Sydney Pools Open For Free This Weekend

sdy pools

Sydney is famous for many reasons – its opera house and harbour bridge being among them – but one more distinction can be seen here as well: an abundance of ocean pools. A city spokesman claimed there are more of them here than anywhere else worldwide, defining them as man-made public seawater pools located on surf coasts so waves wash over them.

But Sdy offers much more than beaches and pools: its inner-city aquatic centres are architectural marvels and an excellent way to beat the summer heat.

This weekend, the City of Sydney will open six inner-city pools free to residents to help ease the strain of rising temperatures in Camperdown, CBD, Ultimo, Zetland and Surry Hills which could reach 34C.

Aquatics centres will remain open with an entry fee of $6.50; additionally, the City has pledged to offer various community-based activities free of charge such as sandcastle workshops, yoga sessions, circus classes and family fun days to keep residents active and involved with their communities during hotter than average weather conditions. The free events aim to help people remain physically engaged while simultaneously remaining socially connected through shared experience and connections to local areas.

But Sydney City Council is not the only entity taking action on this issue; state government leaders have also been pressured to take greater initiative when it comes to building pools in Sydney’s growth areas. A spokesperson from NSW Labor Party stated that, if elected, their party would explore options with councils to expedite infrastructure delivery more rapidly and also task the Greater Cities Commission with revising housing targets to encourage developers build around existing infrastructure like metro lines.

While Sydney pools have many health advantages, they also serve as an integral part of its culture and heritage. Many can be found in beautiful parks and are great spots for meeting other locals or visitors. A pool crawl in Sydney is a fun way to see all the main sights while staying cool and getting some exercise; just remember to wear shorts (not summer dresses!) and rinse off salt from your body after every swim to prevent chafing!

This article originally appeared in Sydney Pool + Outdoor Design’s July 2014 print issue and can be subscribed to here.

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